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Earings, Pendent and Necklace from the collection Nature.

This collection is meant to represent two different aspects of a study of nature. It consists mainly of pendants, earrings and also an exclusive necklace.  The pieces titled “Flower” are made of sterling silver, with an addition of nylon and cotton. The oxidization finishing is used to express the aesthetic elements of the work.

By integrating fabric as a raw material, the collection escapes from the standards of traditional jewelry making.

To design this collection,  research has been done on natural elements and the possibility of combining two apparently contradictory materials; the fragile and ephemeral with the strong and durable. The contrast is illustrated through using a variety of different and contradictory materials: fabric (fragile) versus metal (durable).

Choosing flowers as a large part of the collection is self-explanatory: a flower is composed of elements somehow defying one another in nature; stems, petals, and buds.

The piece entitled “Growth” has another viewpoint of observation of nature, a view based on the colours and harmony. This consistency is represented after searching geometric forms found in nature (symmetry, asymmetry, curves). This piece is also made of sterling silver, with a cold enamel (resin).

  • Flower Earrings

    Flower Earrings

    Sterling silver, tissue / 1cm x 1.5cm

  • Flower basket earrings

    Flower basket earrings

    Sterling silver, tissue / 2cm x 1.5cm

  • Flower earrings

    Flower earrings

    Sterling silver, tissue / 1cm x 1.5cm

  • Flower earrings

    Flower earrings

    Sterling silver, tissue / 1cm x 1.5cm

  • Flower Pendent

    Flower Pendent

    Sterling silver, tissue / 5cm x 1.cm

  • Flower Pendent

    Flower Pendent

    Sterling silver, tissue / 5cm x 1.cm

  • Growth Necklace

    Growth Necklace

    Sterling silver / 46cm x 1cm x 1.4cm

  • Growth Necklace

    Growth Necklace

    Sterling silver / 46cm x 1cm x 1.4cm

  • Growth Necklace

    Growth Necklace

    Sterling silver / 46cm x 1cm x 1.4cm